Kosten Foundation Honoring Pancreatic Cancer Fighters with Tribute at Twilight
Memphis, Tenn., November 15, 2021 – In honor of World Pancreatic Cancer Day November 18, the Kosten Foundation is hosting their memorial Tribute at Twilight event in Cancer Survivors Park (701 Perkins Exd.) at 4:30 p.m. The program will recognize pancreatic cancer survivors, caregivers, those lost to pancreatic cancer, and anyone affected by the disease. The event is free and open to anyone, all are encouraged to attend.
“With November being Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, it’s extremely important to the Kosten Foundation and our support group members that we celebrate the incredible people that have battled this disease,” said Alan Kosten, Chairman of the Kosten Foundation. “While we have a strong support group and celebrate our survivors every day the reality is we are still losing too many people to pancreatic cancer and our Tribute at Twilight event is a special time that we celebrate those that have battled so hard against this deadly disease.”
Tribute at Twilight will include Kosten Foundation supporters reading names of those lost to pancreatic cancer, sharing their stories, and lighting glow sticks in a ceremony of remembrance. 2019’s event brought more than two dozen people together during November’s Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
The Kosten Foundation has donated more than $2.4 million to pancreatic cancer research teams across the country since its founding in 2003. Most recently, it funded pancreatic cancer research programs in Memphis, New York City, Dallas, and McAllen, Texas.
The Foundation hosts an annual Kick It 5K fundraiser which has grown to include more than 1,500 participants and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for pancreatic cancer research. In addition to its fundraising efforts, the Kosten Foundation hosts the Mid-South’s only pancreatic cancer support group. The free, virtual meeting takes place on the second Saturday of every month and is open to anyone who would like to attend. You can find more information on the Kosten Foundation’s website at https://www.kostenfoundation.com/support-group/.
If you would like to support the Kosten Foundation’s efforts during Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, or would like to learn more about the organization, you can go online at https://www.kostenfoundation.com/.

Kosten Foundation supporters honoring those affected by pancreatic cancer during their 2019 Tribute at Twilight event.