The Daily Memphian Brings Awareness to the Kosten Foundation

Thank you to the Daily Memphian and Ms. Annette Wiggins for helping to spread awareness about pancreatic cancer, the symptoms, the options and our support group.
Annette Wiggins wants people to know that although survival rates for pancreatic cancer patients are low, survival can be possible with early diagnosis, a knowledgeable medical team and community support.
“Most of the time, when you just hear the word ‘cancer,’ you’ve already done fell apart,” said the 69-year-old Olive Branch resident, who was diagnosed five years ago.
“But this cancer is more prevalent in the Black community, and most times when you find it, it’s already in stage four and has done most of the damage.”
Pancreatic cancer affects Black Americans at a rate higher than that of any other population.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer our free support group can be a valuable resource to speak to others on the same or similar path. It meets every second Saturday at the Cordova library or virtually through Zoom!
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